Leachate Treatment Facility - in commissioning phase

The leachate treatment facility (LTF) includes:

  • Leachate treatment plant by reverse osmosis;
  • Collection and drainage system for stormwater runoff, leachate and landfill gas;
  • Stormwater runoff collection ponds and leachate ponds.
  • Leachate from all landfill’s areas will be collected and directed to the joint leachate collection pond, with waterproof liner. The leachate pond will have adequate capacity to store the average leachate volume for 20 successive calendar days.

The leachate treatment facility has the capacity to treat 90000 m3/y of leachate and consists of the following stages:

  • Pretreatment
  • Acidification
  • Reverse osmosis (RO)
  • Evaporation (RO concentrate is delivered to a vacuum evaporator)
  • Final reverse osmosis.

Thanks to this facility, leachate will no more pollutes Osljanska stream and Osljanska pond, the surrounding land and the Danube River.

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