![Ambasador Kazahstana posetio Centar za upravljanje otpadom u Vinči](https://www.bcenergy.rs/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Ambasador-Kazahstana-posetio-Centar-za-upravljanje-otpadom-u-Vinci.jpg)
Mr. Madi Atamkulov, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Serbia, and Mr. Assen Kashkenov, Embassy Counselor, visited the New Vinča Resource Recovery Center, where they were welcomed by Mr. Philippe Thiel and Mr. Mitsuaki Harada, Managing Directors of Beo Čista Energija.
During this visit, the Ambassador was interested in innovative methodology of this project to address multiple waste related environmental and social issues over the decades with newly introduced integrated waste management system.
The Ambassador visited all the facilities being delivered under this PPP project, namely the new sanitary landfill, the construction and demolition waste recycling facility, the leachate treatment facility and the landfill gas plant. Special attention was paid to the Energy-from-Waste plant (in the commissioning phase) which will soon treat 60% of municipal waste generated in Belgrade and produce electricity and heat.